Explore higher education and how it could help you reach your future goals.
Find information, activity and resources to support higher education progression in your school or college.
Find information about the options in education that your child could access, and how to support them in making an informed choice.
We aim to support young people to make informed choices about their futures. We provide impartial information about higher education to students, parents and carers, and teachers and advisers to encourage progression to higher education and careers.
Find out what all of the acronyms mean to help you navigate your journey to higher education!
STEP is aimed at Black-heritage students studying in Year 12 at a state school. On the summer school, STEP students will take part in a variety of sessions and activities that showcase the Durham experience, from academic taster sessions to social activities. STEP students will receive a comprehensive range of information, advice, and guidance (IAG) about UCAS, personal statements, and student finance.
Applications for STEP 2024 are now closed.
Learn more about Talk Money Week and download a participation pack to help get your students talking about money.
To find out more about institutions, find a provider local to you, and access contact details for all institutions visit our interactive map.