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North East Regional Progression Framework 

A sustained, intensive and progressive programme of interventions has been shown to have greater impact in raising aspirations and supporting progression to higher education*. The North East Regional Progression Framework has been developed to support practitioners in designing a programme of interventions to help learners and key stakeholders to understand more about higher education in all its forms and how to successfully achieve their progression goals.

Structured across three phases and six learning objectives, the framework is a tool to guide practitioners in their planning of higher education related interventions and programmes of activity which can be applied regardless of the learner’s age, prior knowledge, and mode or level of study. The North East Regional Progression Framework enables practitioners to provide evidence for key components of the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework and progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks, specifically the basis of a solid careers programme (Benchmark 1), useful for including in monitoring tools such as COMPASS. It is important to note that the Regional Progression Framework and encounters with higher education will provide supporting evidence towards a range of Benchmarks, however additional reporting materials will be required to fully achieve each component.

Practitioners across the North East are also working hard to evidence what works in higher education outreach, utilising best practice frameworks such as the NERUPI Framework to add to the increasing evidence base nationwide. To further support higher education practitioners when planning, developing and reviewing outreach activities, the additional insert outlines how the North East Regional Progression Framework works within the NERUPI Framework learning objectives for pre-application outreach to ensure that all activities can support learners to make a truly informed decision based upon the full range of learning objectives.

*Third independent review of evaluation evidence submitted by Uni Connect partnerships – Office for Students