Hello! I am a student at the University of Sunderland studying Health, Exercise and Fitness and I am about to go into my final year. The thought of transitioning from further education to higher education may be overwhelming, but hopefully reading through my experiences may answer some questions and free the concerns you may have!
In the lead up to starting university I felt quite nervous, worried, excited, and intrigued (what a rollercoaster of emotions, right?!). I was nervous and worried that I may not make friends or may not enjoy it as I had chosen to do something completely different to what I was doing in college. I had previously studied computing, however I’ve always been more interested into sports and health therefore I decided to change paths completely. Luckily Freshers week eased me into university life, let me see the campus and meet other students through the various different events during the week… this definitely calmed my nerves down!
I was excited and intrigued to see what university life would be like and experiencing new challenges and new people. I know it is a bit cliché, but university really helps expand your mind and skills through opportunities provided and the people you meet from all walks of life. Another thing that really helped me transition into university life is accessing the support from the university which really my experience a lot easier as I had a note taker to help me with any notes I miss out on and pick up any notes that I might’ve missed out on.
There are lots of things I wish I’d known before joining university, so here are my top 3:
- Join societies.
Societies can help you meet likeminded people who may share similar interests to yourself. Before joining university, you can check out all of the societies to see which pique your interest the most, I joined the kickboxing society quite late on in first year and I enjoyed it. It was great mixing with others that had the same interest, and this helped making conversation with others too.
- Mix with older students.
The second tip I would give is making friends with the people in their second and third year on your course, as they would give you the best advice on how to complete upcoming assignments any be able to answer any questions you may have about certain topics.
- Engage in campus life.
It helps boost your university life more by meeting more people around the campus and help you to experience different things.
I hope you guys benefit from my top tips and actively use them! I really hope this might have answered some questions and concerns you might have had and hope you have a great transition period to university!