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Top 10 Revision Tips

1) Plan Ahead 

Planning your revision in advance can help ensure you are making the most of your time. Breaking topics into manageable chunks helps ensure you cover all the material you need to, without becoming too overwhelmed. You may want to draw up a revision timetable and allocate specific topics to certain days/times in the week. Research shows that short periods of revision mixed with short breaks is more effective as it helps ensure your concentration remains high.

2) Be Reflective 

Not everyone learns in the same way, and not everyone revises in the same way. Think carefully about the way you learn best, and incorporate it into your revision plan, for example if you’re a very visual learner you might want to use colourful pens and include drawing in your revision. In fact, there are many ways to revise that don’t involve reading or rewriting notes, you could try talking aloud, finding revision videos or taking quizzes. There are also methods to allow you to take your revision on the go, flashcards and revision podcasts mean you can revise when it suits you. If you find your current revision method isn’t working for you, why not try some others to find a suitable alternative? 

3) Challenge Yourself 

Start your revision with what you find most difficult or what you enjoy least, that way you can ensure that all your topics will get covered. It’s really easy to start your revision with topics you enjoy most, but this can make it harder to return to those that you might find more challenging.  

4) Teach Others 

One of the best ways to check your understanding is to try and teach someone else. If you can comfortably explain a topic to another person, it is a good indicator that you are comfortable with the subject. 

5) Test Yourself 

Check that your revision has been effective by testing your knowledge throughout. Access online quizzes about subject material or try using past exam papers to test yourself. 

6) Take Breaks 

It can be easy to overload yourself during revision period, however this can be counterproductive. Build regular breaks into your revision plan to help keep your concentration and motivation up! We know it can be really easy to binge watch a whole Netflix series and then feel guilty, so try timing your breaks to avoid falling off track, e.g., watch one episode of your favourite show, go for a half an hour walk etc. 

7) Look After Yourself 

Getting enough sleep will help you to concentrate whilst revising. Sleep is also the time your body uses to consolidate memories formed, therefore if you sleep well your revision is more likely to be successful. Fuel your revision with healthy foods and snacks and exercise to boost energy levels and destress. It is important you stay well during the revision and exam period to help you achieve your full potential. 

8) Avoid Distraction
Revise in an area you aren’t likely to be distracted in. It’s ok if you don’t like to revise in complete silence, not everyone does, but chose an environment that suits you best. Turning off your phone can also be a useful way to avoid distraction… because we all know how easy it is to spend 30 minutes at a time on Instagram, right? 

9) Repetition

Revisiting topics more than once makes you more likely to remember them so build in enough time into your revision schedule to revisit topics and make sure you feel comfortable with them.  

10) Stay Positive!

Beginning a task with the wrong attitude can make it really difficult to achieve the desired results, exams and revision are no different. Stay positive and be sure to reward yourself for your hard work!