Teachers & Advisers
Parents & Carers

Outreach North East In-Person CPD

Outreach North East In-Person CPD

Do you work with pre-16 students? This session will be replicated in the North and South of the region: Northern session – Northern Stage, Newcastle, 9am – 11.20am Southern session – Teesside University, Darlington Campus, 2pm – 4.20pm This in-person CPD opportunity will cover a range of topics to help you support your young people […]

calendar Thu, 02 May
briefcase Conference

Do you work with pre-16 students? This session will be replicated in the North and South of the region:

Northern session – Northern Stage, Newcastle, 9am – 11.20am

Southern session – Teesside University, Darlington Campus, 2pm – 4.20pm

This in-person CPD opportunity will cover a range of topics to help you support your young people with progression.

Refreshments will be provided at both events, with breakfast provided for the morning session.