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We have amazing universities and colleges in our region and we want to give you all of the information and support you need to understand how higher education can make a difference to your future. We’ll keep our website updated with the latest news and resources regarding higher education in our region, as well as information about all of the great options available to you. Make sure you get where you want to be in the future by thinking about how higher education can help you.

Student drawing

Student Space

Joining our Student Space will give you access to exclusive content and activities to help you think about your future and take steps to achieve your goals. Register and access content to begin collecting your digital badges!


Knowledge Base

Grow your knowledge of the range of routes into and through education, and how you can use them to reach your goals, in our knowledge base.

Journey to Higher Education – Year 10

There are steps you can take now to start working towards your goals and considering what you might want to do after school.

tag Year 10

Journey to Higher Education – Year 9

You may think that you don’t need to think about higher education until you’re 18, but there are still some decisions you can make a little earlier to kick-start your journey.

tag Decisions

Journey to Higher Education – Year 11

You may think that you don’t need to think about higher education until you’re 18, but there are still some decisions you can make a little earlier to kick-start your journey.

tag Decisions | Higher Education
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We want to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your future. Use the links below to find out more.

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See upcoming events and activities to help you explore your future study and career options.

Read all about it

Read about real student experiences and find top tips about all things higher education in our blog.

Find resources

Find and download a range of resources designed to help you in your decision making.